Pavement Marking Removal
When pavement markings become obsolete and are no longer needed they typically should be removed by one of three methods: high pressure water blasting, grinding or, sand blasting. We have a variety of equipment and tools to remove markings fast and effectively. Whether it’s on a county road, freeway, or airport runway we have the tools to get the job done right the first time. Our trained staff have years of experience in pavement marking removal and also has the knowledge to recommend the best removal method to fit your needs.
Not only do we remove pavement markings but we also remove concrete curing compounds, waterproofing membranes, epoxies, heavily saturate grease, & polyurethane coatings on concrete or asphalt. Our high pressure water blaster removes coatings faster and more efficiently than shot blasting or grinding. Give us a call so we can let you know what removal method is right for you.